Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Eve Bates, 100 Years Old
On June 9th Eve Bates celebrated her 100th birthday. It was a grand party.

More years ago than I'll admit, I replied to a blind ad in The New York Times. Eve was then VP of what was H. L. Oram, Inc. She called me and thereby ushered in my career at The Oram Group, Inc. It's been quite a ride for both of us. I had the privilege of working with her almost 15 years I'd guess.
Eve retired many years ago  but we are neighbors in New York and  over the years we kept  in touch, sporadically at times. But once in awhile we'd run into each other at the local market and catch up.
 Though a bit hobbled  by age she is totally all there and at her party on June 8th we talked and re-lived good times, worried about our country's present and future and otherwise enjoyed the day.